"Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A." is a family Company with a very long tradition. It has been producing bitters and liqueurs since 1868, and its aim has always been to offer top quality products and excellent customer service. In order to meet these objectives the Company, that has eventually become a real industry, still uses its original craftsman-like production methods and constantly invests in innovation as regards packaging, communication, business organization and, more in general, all the processes that are related to business management.
The Company intends to offer its customers a range of products that can make pleasant moments of social life still more pleasant, exciting positive emotions that are associated with responsible drinking habits and are evocative of the local culture and traditions, of ancient flavours reinterpreted in a contemporary way.
In all its corporate activities, "Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A." has always been operating with an eye to those aspects of social responsibility that are connected with its business. Special care is constantly given to its relations with all those concerned, and the growth of the Company is seen as an opportunity of growth and development for the whole area as well. Sustainable development in harmony with the 'quality' of the area where the Company operates and of human relationships cannot be renounced. In pursuing its corporate mission, "Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A." constantly aims at combining tradition and innovation, competitiveness and social cohesion, a strong local identity and a dynamic approach to the global dimension of the market. In order to achieve those goals, the Company attaches great importance to investment in intangible capital, that is the "soft" elements of the value chain: human resources and human skills, research, marketing, branding, a tie with the local community, a contribution to the education of young people, environmental protection.
The General Management is determined to carry on its business by further strengthening its market position and the already strong roots that bind the Company to its territory, in one word, to pursue sustainable profit.
The following principles have been adopted with this aim in view: they will act as guidelines for the conduct of every employee and collaborator of the Company, until this document is revised:
Observance of Regulations and Constant Improvement
The Company and all its staff will meet any requirements imposed by SA8000 and ISO 14001 standards as regards social responsibility and the environment, and OHSAS 18001 as regards safety.
"Distilleria Varnelli" will also comply with any legislative regulations and agreements that are applicable to our reality as regards the environment, safety and health in work places, and social responsibility, and it will set particular internal specifications when current laws are defective.
In particular, as concerns social responsibility, the Company will comply with the principles set by the following international instruments:
- ILO agreements;
- International Declarations of Human Rights;
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- UN Convention for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women.
Wherever possible, the Company does not just complies with the law, but it goes beyond what is strictly necessary.
Sustainable Development
The Company will try, through specific improvement agreements, to preserve natural resources and minimize or eliminate negative environmental effects and any risks which may result from its own products, production cycle and services by ensuring the customers socially responsible products and services.
Satisfaction of the Parties Concerned
The whole staff and the Management undertake to improve their communication with the parties concerned in order to promote the integration of the Company in its social context and the continuation of constructive relationships.
Respect for the Individual
"Distilleria Varnelli": does not allow children work in its factory or in the chain of its qualified suppliers; avoids all forms of discrimination, ensuring equal opportunities; does not make use of disciplinary procedures, such as corporal punishments, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse; ensures a fair salary for its employees and appropriate working time, freedom of association and collective bargaining.
In this connection the Company is determined to ensure its employees a safe, healthy working environment and production processes that fully respect safety and the environment according to laws and regulations in force. That will only be possible if factors such as Safety and Health are included in the economic decisions and the activities of the Company.
Education, Information, Training, and Awareness
Providing training for its employees and making them aware of their roles are binding principles for the Company, whose aim is to provide the appropriate training and education in order to enable its employees to work safely, in accordance with environmental regulations and the specifications set to ensure the best possible quality level. As regards information, it will be of fundamental importance to share with the staff the statistics related to accident trends and the results of internal and external inspections.
Collaboration with the Parties Concerned
"Distilleria Varnelli" does not just expect compliance with the law from its suppliers, but it also cooperates with them and their contractors to identify any improvement opportunities as regards the environment, safety and health in work places, and corporate social responsibility.
Furthermore, the General Management know how important it is to cooperate with public Authorities and local people, informing the parties concerned if necessary and creating an atmosphere of confidence and clearness for all that regards the Company's activities in connection with the environment, safety and health in work places and corporate social responsibility.
Efficiency and Commitment to Pollution Reduction
"Distilleria Varnelli" is also aware that "efficient" management is the basis of the fight against any kind of waste, and it requires from its staff to adopt the most appropriate behaviour to reduce the consumption of electricity, raw materials, and resources in general, following any instructions given in this connection, and to make in turn their suggestions. In particular, reducing production scraps through structural interventions on production lines is considered a top priority. A behaviour that is consistent with this policy involves a commitment to comply with environmental provisions and to carry out any checks the Company may have fixed as guidelines to prevent pollution.
Objective Setting
This corporate policy can only be put into practice effectively if the Management undertakes to review periodically both the implementing methods of the system adopted and its effectiveness. By monitoring and constantly analysing the data concerning: the degree of satisfaction of the parties concerned and how the system, processes and services are going, the Management sets the objectives the Company shall pursue to achieve the aim of this document.
In order to get this result, our organization, through the General Management and the Process Foremen, each with their respective roles, intends to act in several ways:
- through effective planning of its objectives;
- through teamwork;
- through the day-to-day example offered by the different operators and Process Foremen;
- by informing all the parties concerned about any initiatives taken and results achieved through our web-site and/or publication on sector associations' magazines;
- by making our suppliers aware of the issue.
For any reports of non-compliance with regulations or complaints follow the procedure below:
- First, send an e-mail to segreteria@varnelli.it
- In case of no reply please contact the certification body sa8000@rina.org
- Should you not receive a response from any of the previous channels, contact the SAAS accreditation body by filing the online form at the link https://sa-intl.org/saas-online-complaints-submission-form/
La Direzione Generale
Elda Luchini Varnelli
Rev.10 - 26.09.2022

ISO 45001